(Teacher of Hercules for those who don't know)


Mentorship matching is difficult. There are multiple dimensions, each of them might some associated sub dimensions. Here is a glimpse of all the area that we might need to consider (There will be more as we continue to investigate)


The second piece is continue learning and engagement. We need to make it easy (one single endpoint) for mentee to ask questions and know that they are talking to experts. On the other hand, the network/platform/community of mentors should also be autonomous, operating and spark conversation freely to discuss (potentially create innovation)

Tenets / Guiding Principles

Our goal is to simply build a professional network of experts that are willing to help. We will focus on engineering area at the moment, particularly software, but will expand to other area if succeeded

  1. The network will be agnostic to organizations, and will consist of experts from all level (interns, entry level, veterans, Undergrads, PhDs). We will focus on mentee's requirements and built from there
  2. Will solely focus and rely on partnership to expand (organizations that have some focus in education push). The hope is that through partnership, our network is more resilient. We want to act as a bridge to connect all organization
  3. The network must be inclusive. No discrimination based on country, gender, or background level
  4. Should be mentor - mentee - partner team centric, in that particular order. Ultimately, we want our mentee to become future mentor, producing a continuous learning loop

Ownership/Responsibility [Work In Progress]


While cost will create a bars of entry, for some mentors, incentives are important (plus time is a very valuable resources). For best compromise, the compensation will varies based on the commitment (and generosity) of mentors

Please note that compensations should not be correlated to mentor's quality, only correlated to availability

Here are possible compensation options: